What's new in iOS 15 beta 5?

Apple today released the fifth beta of iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 to developers. Below is a list of new features and improvements discovered by foreign sites in iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 beta 5, Digital Experience would like to summarize and translate the information for you.

New weather icons

Along with the improved Weather app in iOS 15, Apple also added a new app icon for the app in iOS 15 beta 5.

iOS 15 Biểu tượng thời tiết mới

New welcome screen in Photos app

There's a new splash screen for the Photos app in iOS 15 beta 5. This screen is intended to introduce new features to the Photos app in iOS 15 when users first access the app.iOS 15 Màn hình chào mới trong ứng dụng Ảnh

New Welcome Screen in Maps and Home Apps

The Home app also gets a new welcome screen in iOS 15 beta 5 that highlights new features with the app in the latest iOS release.

iOS 15 Màn hình chào mới trong Ứng dụng Bản đồ và Home

The Maps app in iOS 15 beta 5 also gets a new screen when you first access it to get the hang of new map features.

Large icons on the iPadOS Home screen

The latest iPadOS 15 beta 5 introduces a new Use Large Icons option. This feature makes the icons larger on the home screen.

Các biểu tượng lớn trên Màn hình chính của iPadOS

Redesigned audio recognition icons

The Control Center button for Sound Recognition has a new icon in iOS 15 beta 5.

New iPhone Findable After Power Off option in settings

iOS 15 lets you track your iPhone even when it's turned off. It makes your iPhone act like an AirTag so that the iPhone can be tracked through the find my app on other devices. A new toggle in iOS 15 beta 5's off screen allows you to enable/disable the feature.

Tuỳ chọn mới iPhone Findable After Power Off trong phần cài đặt

Legacy Contacts removed

According to Apple's release notes for iOS 15 beta 5, the Legacy Contact option has been removed. Apple says it will be edited and re-added in an upcoming update.

TestFlight version in App Store

If you're testing an unreleased app via TestFlight, the App Store in iOS 15 beta 5 will show the version of TestFlight installed on your iPhone. It also gives you a button to open app details directly in Testflight.

Phiên bản TestFlight trong App Store

With just over a month left for iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 to go public, Apple continues to make changes to the operating system based on user feedback. If you have a new discovery, please share it with Digital Experience in the comments section below.

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